Find a plan

Our Plan Finder will help you decide which Medihelp medical aid plans may best suit your unique healthcare needs, based on the answers you give in the below questionnaire.

If you have dependants, keep their healthcare needs in mind while filling in the questionnaire. Consider what they need in terms of medical cover by analysing their health history so you’ll have an idea of, for instance, how many times a year they visit the doctor or how much they paid for acute medicine in the last year.

Please note: Information displayed on this page does not constitute advice. Click here to speak to one of our accredited advisers who is trained in the Medihelp product range.

Simply answer the questions below:

Life stage

What is your life stage as a principal member?

Chronic medicine

Do you use chronic medicine?

Chronic conditions

For how many chronic conditions do you use chronic medicine?


How often are you/your dependants hospitalised?

Benefit needs

What are your day-to-day benefit needs? (for example GP, dentistry, and optometry)

Network provider

Are you willing to visit a network provider?