Back 26 Jun, 2020 - COVID-19 | HealthPrint


Is my child at higher risk of getting COVID-19?

Is my child at higher risk of getting COVID-19?

Studies show children with COVID-19 generally have mild symptoms. Some children, though, have reported more severe illness.
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Medical evidence indicates that children with COVID-19 generally have mild symptoms and only a small percentage report more severe illness. Children whose immune systems are compromised by the following underlying medical conditions and medical procedures may experience severe illness should they contract the new coronavirus:

  • Serious heart and cardiovascular diseases
  • Chronic lung and respiratory conditions such as asthma
  • Neurological conditions, including muscle disorders
  • Immunodeficiency conditions, or taking medicine that suppresses the immune system
  • Organ transplants
  • Cancer treatments

  • Taking medication
    Your child should continue to take his/her regular medications as prescribed, unless you are otherwise instructed by his/her healthcare provider.

    Regular medical consultations
    Children who are considered to be at high risk should continue to consult their doctor or paediatrician as they normally do. Medihelp offers a telehealth benefit which allows you to consult doctors by phone as part of your available day-to-day benefits or savings account funds.

    Education alternatives
    If you are concerned about your child’s safety at school, please consult the school about alternatives.

    If you are sending your child back to school, be sure to know all the facts so you are able to make an informed decision. 

    Importance of screening and testing
    Screening and testing for COVID-19 identify new cases and ensure that treatment and contact tracing can be initiated. Read our HealthyInfo explaining the differences between testing and screening, the criteria a patient should meet before getting tested and where you can go to get screened and tested. 

    Medihelp Medical Scheme provides comprehensive medical aid cover for COVID-19 tests in and out of hospital, paid at the scheme tariff from your core benefits, regardless of the result of the test, if certain criteria are met. You can upload all the necessary documentation to register for PMB on the Member Zone.

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